Sunday, November 30, 2008

Skipping Christmas Discussion

I looked online to get some questions to spur discussion but I couldn't find any so we'll have to wing it this month.

1 - As you were reading the book, did you find yourself siding with or against the Kranks as they skipped Christmas?

2 - Do you think it is possible to skip christmas entirely?

3 - If you skipped Christmas, what traditions, etc would you miss the most?

4 - Has this book affected how you will view the Christmas season this year?


Holly said...

1 - I found myself with them. I have often talked with Nathan about how so much of the fuss and hub-ub of the holidays is forgotten or thrown away. I have tried to remember that when I do all the holiday shopping, etc. I think, ya, this will be nice for someone to open up, but will they still appreciate it in 2 weeks, or 6 months?

2 - I think you can try to skip Christmas all together - but you would have to distance yourself from so much that you would turn into a scrooge. I think you can trim down all the excess...this year all my siblings (and us) are tight on money so we are doing things that cost less or are free, but still allow us to spend the holidays surrounded with each other.

3 - I would miss the food...seriously. Breakfast on Christmas, all the baking that fills the house with yummy smells, family dinners, etc.

4 - I have read the book before, but it was good for me to read it right before the holidays to remind me of what is important and what is not.

Anonymous said...

I read the book and saw the movie. I agreed with them to a point, especially because the holidays have become so commercialized, that it has lost it's meaning. It's also vary hectic time of the year, trying to do it all. They were being selfish however in their intention, prefering to spend the money on themselves instead on a cruise. It's more like our society has become so into brand names, etc. so that if you don't match their spending, you feel bad about it, meanwhile the holidays are not worth going into debt, or going into further debt. Whatever happened to it's the thought that counts. There are a lot of things that don't really cost much, but you are expected to do what everybody else does.

Anonymous said...

I was hoping for a different ending to the movie, not that i want to abolish the christmas tree as some people have suggested. Personally we now use a small christmas tree that we place on a table, granted it's just us, but it saves all that work. At my husbands they make christmas a whole day production number and it takes all the fun out of it. They also try to dictate what you should do, so that also takes the fun out of the day. They try to dictate the amount of the grab bag, how much to spend on kids for baby showers, etc. for years, i was denied the enjoyment of purchasing gifts for the babies, because they wanted it as a joint gift, instead of individually. It took the fun out of that also. You weren't allowed to be your own person.